charlottes chiropractic

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Flu Video

Funny, but serious!

Funny or serious?

Here are some links to some funny site, but they also have a serious message about health. is also a great site for health realted info in general.

(just copy and paste the links....I need to learn how to make them link properly, but until then..........)

More flu info.

Also from

There is no doubt that many thousands of the people who receive flu shots this season will make it from Labor Day to Memorial Day without coming down with a case of influenza. So taken at face value: if it works, it works - enough said. But you should stop reading now if you'd like to remain unaware of the complete contents of a flu shot. I'll tell you this: it's not pretty.

Each year the flu vaccine is newly redesigned, using several strains from different types of flu that were common the season before. So basically you're getting a vaccine that is, in theory, ideal for protecting you from last year's primary flu types. Meanwhile, vaccine developers cross their fingers and hope that whatever new flu mutation comes our way this season is not much different than last year's flu.

But that shot at your doctor's office contains much more than just flu strains. The vaccine is prepared with chicken embryo fluid, inoculated with the living flu strains. The fluid is then treated with formaldehyde to inactivate the virus.

Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is injected to help preserve the mixture. Ethylene glycol (better known as antifreeze) and another chemical called phenol are added to disinfect. And because animal cells are used for this process, animal viruses are sometimes introduced into the vaccine, undetected. This has happened as recently as 1995.

Now ask yourself: If you were intending to purchase a dietary supplement, and the label offered this warning: "May contain traces of formaldehyde, thimerosal, phenol, ethylene glycol, and animal cells," would you buy it?

A "shot" of antioxidant

There are a number of supplements that may help elevate antioxidant levels.. Vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene have all been shown to help fight colds and flu. Selenium - a naturally occurring mineral with antioxidant properties is another. Selenium may actually stop viruses from mutating and becoming more potent.

And finally, we have echinacea - the herb that's become so well known in recent years for its apparent ability to help reduce the length and severity of colds and flu. How this is done is not yet known, although some studies have indicated that echinacea may stimulate the production of white blood cells that are necessary to effectively manage viruses. Just last week I found a new study on echinacea from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. Purported to be one of the first human studies of this herb, the researchers concluded that the effectiveness of echinacea may lie in its ability to strengthen a specific part of the immune system that is known to attack viruses.

So if the idea of getting a flu shot is reassuring to you, don't let me stop you. But there's a very good chance that all the flu protection you need can be achieved by getting the right amount of sleep, eating a balanced diet, maintaining a light to moderate exercise regimen, and supplementing with a few proven helpers in the yearly fight between us and the flu bug.
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Flu Info and Flu Vaccine Dangers

From the website

The Flu and the Flu Vaccine

Barbara Loe-Fischer
Sept-Oct 2003

What is the flu?

Influenza is a respiratory infection that produces fever, chills, sore throat, muscle aches, and cough that lasts a week or more. The flu can be
deadly for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems or who are suffering from diabetes, kidney dysfunction and heart disease. Each year about 20,000 Americans, mostly in these high risk groups, reportedly die from flu complications such as pneumonia.

What is the flu vaccine?

The flu vaccine is prepared from the fluids of chick embryos inoculated with a specific type(s) of influenza virus. The strains of flu virus in the vaccine are inactivated with formaldehyde and preserved with Thimerosal, which is a mercury derivative. Every year, federal health agency officials try to guess which three flu strains are most likely to be prevalent in the U.S. the following year to determine which strains will be included in next year's flu vaccine. If they guess right, the vaccine is thought to be 70 to 80 percent effective in temporarily preventing the flu of the season in healthy persons less than 65 years old. For those over 65 years old, the efficacy rate drops to 30 to 40% but the vaccine is thought to be 50 to 60% effective in preventing hospitalization and pneumonia and 80% effective in preventing death from the flu.

However, sometimes health officials do not correctly predict which flu strains will be most prevalent and the vaccine's effectiveness is much lower for that year.

Does the flu vaccine protect against all throat, respiratory, gastrointestinal and ear infections?

The flu vaccine only protects against the three specific viral strains which are included in any given year's flu vaccine. Throat, respiratory, gastrointestinal and ear infections caused by bacteria or other kinds of viruses are not prevented by getting an annual flu shot. Vaccination against the flu does not protect against SARS or the complications of SARS. The World Health Organization is urging a worldwide flu vaccination campaign in the belief that high vaccination coverage can decrease the possibility of misdiagnosing flu as SARS and help in the early identification of a SARS outbreak. The CDC however is not recommending the flu vaccine for this purpose since the flu vaccine is not 100 percent effective and the suggested benefits in regards to SARS cannot be reliable.

Why do doctors say I have to get a flu vaccine every year?

Like all vaccines, the flu vaccine only gives a temporary immunity to the virus strains or closely related virus strains contained in the vaccine. The only way to get natural and permanent immunity to a strain of flu is to recover naturally from the flu. Natural immunity to a particular strain of flu can be protective if that strain or closely related strains come around again in the future.

However, because the vaccine only provides a 70 to 80% chance of temporary immunity to selected strains and those strains may or may not be prevalent each year, doctors say you have to get a flu shot every year.

Are there reactions to the flu vaccine?

The most common reactions, which within 12 hours of vaccination and can last several days are: fever, fatigue, painful joints and headache. The most serious reaction that has been associated with flu vaccine is Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) which occurs most often within two to four weeks of vaccination. GBS is an immune mediated nerve disorder characterized by muscle weakness, unsteady gait, numbness, tingling, pain and sometimes paralysis of one or more limbs or the face. Recovery takes several months and can include residual disability. Less than 5 percent of GBS cases end in death.

What are contraindication to the flu vaccine?

Among high risk factors listed by the CDCdeath.and the vaccine manufacturers are anyone who:
(1) is sick with a fever;
(2) has an impaired immune system;
(3) has an egg allergy;
(4) has a mercury allergy;
(5) has a history of Guillain-Barre syndrome.

In years past, pregnancy was also a contraindication to flu vaccine but, today, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends flu vaccine for women more than 14 weeks pregnant.

Pregnant women should be aware that the flu vaccine contains Thimerosal, which is a mercury derivative. Mercury is toxic to the brain and has been found to be associated with brain damage and developmental delays in babies whose mothers were exposed to high levels of mercury during pregnancy.

In 1999, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) directed the vaccine manufacturers to take mercury out of all childhood vaccines. In October 2001, the Institute of Medicine issued a report that said it is "biologically plausible" that mercury-containing vaccines could cause injury to the brain but there have been too few scientific studies conducted to prove conclusively that mercury in vaccines has caused brain damage."

Nevertheless, the Institute of Medicine recommended that drug companies take all mercury out of all vaccines and over-the-counter drugs.

`In compliance with this recommendation a preservative-free vaccine formulated for children ages 6 to 35 months, with only a trace amount of Thimerosal, is available in a limited amount. It is distinguished by a pink syringe plunger rod in the pre-filled syringe. Adult formulations still contain Thimerosal. The package inserts published by the flu vaccine manufacturers state that "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with influenza virus vaccine. It is also not known whether influenza virus vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman.

Although animal reproductive studies have not been conducted, the prescribing health care provider should be aware of the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The ACIP states that used during pregnancy, administration of influenza virus vaccine after 14 weeks of gestation may be preferable to avoid coincidental association of the vaccine with early pregnancy loss."

Is Flu Vaccine Recommended for Children?

One consideration with the mass use
of flu vaccine in healthy children is the removal of natural antibodies to flu which are obtained from natural infection. The question of whether it is better for healthy children, who rarely suffer complications from flu, to get the flu and develop permanent immunity to that flu strain or it is better for children to get vaccinated every year to try to suppress all flu infection in early childhood is a question that has yet to be adequately answered by medical science.

Although in the past the flu vaccine has not been recommended for healthy children, today vaccination of children older than 6 months of age is strongly recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
(ACIP) of the CDC.

What About The New Nasal-Spray Flu Vaccine?

A live-virus nasal flu vaccine, FluMist, was approved for use in June 2003.Its approved use is limited to healthy people between the ages of 5 and 49. This excludes its use in those considered at greatest risk from the
disease - the very young and the elderly.

Who should not receive the FluMist vaccine?

(1) pregnant women
(2) people with asthma
(3) people with chronic lung or heart disease
(4) people with chronic underlying medical conditions such as diabetes orkidney disorders
(5) anyone allergic to any part of the vaccine including eggs
(6) children or adolescents receiving aspirin therapy
(7) those with a history of Guillain-Barre syndrome
(8) people with known or suspected immune system problems or who are immune-suppressed due to treatment with steroids, chemotherapy, radiation or other immuno- suppressive therapies or their close contacts
(9) children younger than 5 and adults over 50

Due to the possibility of spreading the virus, individuals receiving the vaccine are advised to avoid close contact with immune-compromised
individuals for at least 21 days.

Is it safe to give with other vaccines?

No studies have shown the safety of giving FluMist along with other vaccines; therefore it should NOT be given along with any other vaccine. The product manufacturer's insert advises waiting at least two weeks after receiving a killed vaccine and at least one month after receiving a live-virus vaccine (MMR, Chicken pox).

How is the new vaccine administered?

Unlike the standard flu vaccine given by injection, which contains a dead
virus, the vaccine is squirted up the nose and contains a diluted, live
virus that could endanger people with weak immune systems. The live vaccine virus has been shown to shed for up to 3 weeks after receiving the vaccine.

What are the reactions to the vaccine?

Reported adverse effects to FluMist in children include runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, headache, irritability, decreased activity, fever, chills, muscle aches, and vomiting.

In adults the most common side effects were runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fever, chills and tiredness or weakness.

Other adverse events that occurred in children were abdominal pain, asthma, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, viral syndrome, otitis media (middle ear infection), and wheezing or shortness of breath.

How is the vaccine made?

FluMist is prepared by introducing influenza viruses into eggs where they are allowed to multiply. Fluid from the eggs is processed and sucrose, potassium phosphate and monosodium glutamate (MSG) are added as stabilizers. The antibiotic Gentamicin is also added during the manufacturing process.
FluMist does not contain any preservatives.

What should I do?

Become educated about the flu and its benefits and risks and the vaccine and its benefits and risks and make an informed decision after consulting multiple sources of information and discussing your questions with one or more health professionals.

Barbara Loe-Fischer offers us a comprehensive, well documented article about the Flu and the Vaccine. Barbara along with NVIC co-director Kathi Williams have dedicated their lives to the informing parents of their right to choose health care for their children.
If you are not yet a member of the National Vaccine Information Center, please visit their extensive resource site at: and join them in their mission
Article References:
1. MMWR Recommendations and Reports "Prevention and Control of Influenza: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)" April 25, 2003
2. Fluzone 2003-2004 Formula, Aventis Product information as of July 2003
3. Influenza Virus Vaccine Live, Intranasal Flumist 2003-2004 Formula, Package Insert (Circular) June 16, 2003

Chiropractic History

Ancient History ( from 2000 BC )
The earliest recordings of spinal corrections are depicted in Chinese etchings dating back over 4000 years. The ancient Indian practice of yoga emphasises the importance of spinal flexibility for overall health. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, wrote about manual correction of the spine.

Modern History (from 1895)
The modern history of chiropractic began on September 18, 1895 with D.D. Palmer and the miraculous recovery of Harvey Lillard's hearing. D.D. and his son B.J. Palmer went on to develop and refine the philosophy, science and art of chiropractic into a flourishing profession.

Chiropractic today
Today there are over 25 chiropractic institutions throughout the world. It is the third largest healthcare profession, and the largest holistic approach. Chiropractic now sits at the crossroads of mainstream and alternative with steadily increasing acceptance and utilisation.

Chiropractic Myths

“I've heard chiropractic wears out your joints.”
In fact, the reverse is true... Chiropractic care can help prevent joints from wearing out!

“Adjustments are dangerous and can cause a stroke”
Chiropractic has repeatedly been proven as an extremely safe form of healthcare. Unfortunately, political and emotional issues have clouded the true scientific discussion of actual and relative risks. Chiropractic adjustments or manipulations are safer than many everyday activities and are far safer than common over-the-counter painkillers and other prescribed medications.

The truth is, there is no scientific evidence that there is an increased risk of ANY serious event following a chiropractic adjustment. There are some who suggest that the chance of having a stroke from a chiropractic adjustment is about 1 in 1,000,000. While this number has never been scientifically verified, only estimated, if it is even remotely accurate it indicates that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning, being killed on a bicycle, or dying from taking aspirin, than you have of being seriously injured by chiropractic.

Myth 4: “Chiropractic is only effective for back pain”
Some chiropractors choose to focus only on caring for people who have back pain. Vertebral subluxation often contributes to this condition and the available research indicates that chiropractic is one of the most effective approaches in helping people with spinal pain.

However, the benefits of chiropractic are much greater than just helping with pain. The wide- ranging detrimental effects of the vertebral subluxation manifest in a variety of health challenges and conditions.
The majority of chiropractors focus their practice on improving an individual's overall health by correcting all subluxations in the body, not just the ones associated with back pain or any other symptom.

Most subluxations have no associated symptoms as only a small percentage of nerves actually sense pain signals. Correcting these subluxations is still very important because they are a detriment to your health whenever they are present.

Chiropractic can have a major positive impact on ANYONE's health, from newborns to geriatrics. Reducing nerve interference allows the full expression of the body's inborn ability to repair and thrive, regardless of age, condition, or the presence or absence of symptoms or disease.

Myth 5: “Spinal adjustments are uncomfortable”
There are now many techniques available to adjust the spine - ranging from the classic dynamic thrust to very light forces or contacts, and can include table or instrument assisted delivery. Modern chiropractors utilise safe and effective procedures suitable to the patient's age, condition and comfort levels.

Most times a spinal adjustment itself will not hurt at all. In fact a great sense of relief will be experienced. On some occasions it may feel like someone is momentarily pressing on a bruise.

As your body adapts to your adjustments, you may experience some additional discomfort, similar to the sensation of tender muscles after starting an exercise program. Over time, as your nervous system integrates the effects of the adjustments, most people feel a continuing sense of ease. This is one reason many people make chiropractic the cornerstone of their wellness lifestyle.

Myth 6: “Chiropractic results are just a ‘placebo effect'”
This is a convenient claim made by critics who have chosen to overlook convincing evidence to the contrary.

The placebo effect depends on the power of suggestion. Yet chiropractic results have been enjoyed by newborns, infants, pets that have been hit by cars, and others for whom the power of suggestion isn't possible!

Plus, there are alterations to a patient's spine from chiropractic care. Many see dramatic changes when they compare X-ray views taken before and after a period of care. Other tests show improved range of motion and flexibility.

There's no question that the power of suggestion can be an important ally in the healing process. However, it can't begin to explain the millions of patients who have been helped with chiropractic care.

Myth 7: “Chiropractors are not real doctors”
So, is a chiropractor a real doctor? Absolutely! A real doctor with a unique purpose. What your doctor of chiropractic can offer, no other doctor can.

The public has come to think of a doctor as someone who prescribes pills or removes organs. Sadly, many people also think this is the best, or only, method of viable health care. The current aggressive medical system is now a major cause of morbidity and mortality in itself (1-4). The public needs to understand that there is more to healthcare than just drugs and surgery - much more.

Doctors of Chiropractic (DC's) graduate with an equally extensive education in basic human health sciences as any other doctor. How chiropractors differ is in their philosophy and application of the health sciences to help individuals maximise their health. Chiropractors are the spinal health care experts in the health care system with a focus on a conservative, drug-free approach to health and performance. In most countries a chiropractor is one of five health professionals legally entitled to use the title doctor.
